The government is providing incentives such as price reductions, discount vouchers, rebates, and delivery vouchers to the people, to encourage more online purchases via platforms such as Lazada and Shopee, of local products from local enterprises.
Lazada x DE Dagang + Buatan Malaysia
Jualan Murah Keluarga Malaysia
Collect Lazada Vouchers Now!
2 x RM5 Off Vouchers
2 x Free Shipping Vouchers

DE Dagang
🔗 https://invol.co/cldvwt4
Buatan Malaysia
🔗 https://invol.co/cldvwsl
Collect Daily from now till December 2022
Check these campaigns on Shopee
DE Dagang
🔗 https://shope.ee/7pHkGNFk5Q
Buatan Malaysia
🔗 https://shope.ee/5pWfsisA9R
Lazada Add to Cart Add to Life: https://mypromo.my/shop/lazada
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mypromo.my: Referral Codes Center
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