Follow these 3 steps to redeem and save Shopee Voucher or Promo Codes. Use the vouchers to get further discounts and free shipping.

Step 1: Go to
This will open Shopee Page, and then Tap “Me”

Step 2: Tap on “My Voucher” Section

Step 3: Key in the code in “Input voucher code” box. Apply or Save.
Try it! Save a Shopee Voucher Code. Tap “Add Voucher Here”
That’s it. You have claimed your voucher code. Next step is to see Terms and Conditions for the code you have just claimed.
Tap on T&C (in Blue) at the bottom right as seen in the screenshot above.
And don’t forget to claim your Shopee free vouchers at the beginning of every month!

Get Shopee Free Shipping for March 2025 Here
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