Get an RM5 discount voucher for Shopee’s 11.11 Big Sale when you link up and top up your ShopeePay with your Maybank account! Just top up a min. of RM50 before 9 Nov to enjoy your voucher on 11 Nov.
Campaign Period
Link-up and top-up: 26 October 2020 – 9 November 2020
Voucher Crediting: 10 November 2020
Voucher Redemption: 11 November 2020
Getting your cart ready for Shopee’s 11.11 Big Sale? Get an extra RM5 discount voucher when you link up your ShopeePay with your Maybank account, then top up a min. of RM50 before 9 Nov.
But be quick as the voucher’s valid for the first 14,325 users only (for the entire campaign period, capped at 955 per day).
Make sure you don’t miss out on any flash discount and enjoy an even faster checkout experience with ShopeePay!
Here’s how you can enjoy your RM5 voucher on Shopee:
Step 1: Launch your Shopee mobile app, tap on Me > ShopeePay > Top Up.
Step 2: During Top Up, select Payment method as Maybank2u, then select Link Bank Account Now and follow the steps to link up your ShopeePay with your Maybank account.
Step 3: Top up a min. of RM50 from 26 Oct – 9 Nov 2020.
Step 4: RM5 discount voucher will be credited to your Shopee account on 10 Nov.
Step 5: Spend a min. of RM50 on 11 Nov, and add the voucher before checking out your cart to enjoy your RM5 off!
Collect Shopee 11.11 Vouchers
Voucher Codes: https://mypromo.my/shopee-11-11-vouchers
Shopee ALL Vouchers: http://bit.ly/Shopee1111-AllVouchers
11.11 Only Vouchers: http://bit.ly/Shopee1111-OnlyVouchers
Maybank Promotion: Save & Grow Together Campaign
•Collective Effort Brings Greater Chance of Winning
•Save and win together. Sharing is caring, invite your family and friends to register, unlock and win more prizes.
•Details Here: http://bit.ly/MBB-SharingisCaring
Usaha Bersama Memberi Lebih Peluang Untuk Menang
•Tingkatkan peluang untuk memenangi gajet terkini dan juga hadiah wang tunai apabila anda menjemput keluarga dan rakan-rakan anda untuk menyimpan bersama!
•Maklumat di sini: http://bit.ly/MBB-SharingisCaring
Details Here: https://mypromo.my/maybank-promotion-save-grow-together-campaign