Get FREE Dutch Lady 123 and Dutch Lady 456 Milk Sample

Get FREE Dutch Lady 123 and Dutch Lady 456 Milk Samples

Want to try the No.1 brand of mothers in Malaysia? Get FREE Dutch Lady 123 and Dutch Lady 456 Milk Samples today! Raise a smart and healthy child today with nutritious nutrients from Dutch Lady!

Get FREE Dutch Lady 123 and Dutch Lady 456 Milk Sample

Get FREE Dutch Lady 123 and Dutch Lady 456 Milk Samples


Every mother wants the best for her child. This includes healthy growth and development towards a bright future.

The first few years of a child’s life is crucial for cognitive, emotional and social development and as parents, supporting their healthy development with the right nutrition is important. Why do children need to drink milk? Milk is a good source of various nutrients that are important for the perfect growth and development of children because it is rich in essential nutrients such as vitamin D, calcium and various other nutrients.

Studies show that Malaysian children and adolescents do not consume enough milk and dairy products. The trend of children drinking less milk as they grow up, this is worrying especially when it is also in line with the increase in consumption of sugary drinks that are less nutritious such as soft drinks or fruit flavored drinks. All of these unhealthy eating habits contribute to obesity and malnutrition among children.

As parents, we should know the nutritional value of milk for growing children. Dutch Lady formula milk contains higher nutrient content for protein, vitamin D3, vitamin C which is important for growing children. 5X DHA is like a building block for the brain and its importance is clearer for children, as their brains grow rapidly.

Raise a smart and healthy child today with nutritious nutrients from Dutch Lady! Want to try the No.1 brand of mothers in Malaysia!

Get FREE Dutch Lady 123 and Dutch Lady 456 Milk Samples today! 

Besarkanlah anak yang bijak dan sihat hari ini dengan nutrisi yang berkhasiat daripada Dutch Lady!
Nak try pilihan no.1 jenama ibu-ibu di Malaysia?
Dapatkan Sampel Percuma Susu Dutch Lady 123 dan Dutch Lady 456 Hari Ini!!

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