ACCUSEFIVE “LOST & FOUND” LIVE IN MALAYSIA 2023 6 February 2023, 8PM ZEPP Kuala Lumpur, tickets and pricing for your reference.
预订】告五人 Accusefive《运气来得若有似无》CD https://mypromo.my/concert/accusefive
Date: 6 February 2023, 8PM (Monday)
• Time: 8pm
• Venue: ZEPP Kuala Lumpur, LaLaport Bukit Bintang City Centre
Online sale:
Tickets will go on sale on January 12th, from 2pm via my.bookmyshow.com
Buy Tickets Here: https://starplanet.bigtix.io/e/ACCUSEF5
Date: February 6th, 2023, 8pm, ZEPP Kuala Lumpur | |
Ticket Type | Normal Price |
ROCK ZONE | 258.00 |
SEATING | 208.00 |

Event Description
Currently knowned as one of the Taiwan’s rising stars, the 3-person band Accusefive (告五人) is set to thrill fans with their powerful and emotional voices at their one-night concert at the ZEPP Kuala Lumpur on 6 February at 8pm. Named as “Lost & Found”, this concert will be their inaugural live concert to be held in Malaysia since their debut in 2017.
Hailing from the northeastern part of the island of Taiwan, Accusefive was founded by lead vocalist and guitarist Pan Yun-an, singer Tsai Hsin-lun, and drummer Richard Lin in 2017. The band released its first mini-album, Son of Mist, in 2017 and they won the Best New Artiste at the 9th Golden Indie Music Awards.
Their 2019 album, Somewhere in Time, I Love You, was nominated for Best New Artist and Best Band at the 31st Golden Melody Awards in 2020. Their 2020 Album, Easy Come, Easy Go, was nominated for Best Band at the 32nd Golden Melody Awards in 2021.
Accusefive yields huge influence particularly among the young netizens and their music style is diverse and creates emotional resonance. Their works cover urban folk, modern rock, dream pop and new wave which demonstrate unique characteristics. The band broke into massive mainstream success after their release of numerous hits including “Where I lost us”, “Somewhere in time” and “Miss you day & night” which each of them hits over 20 million views on YouTube. Their single titled “Take me with You”, not only has the song’s related hashtag on Weibo amassed 44 million views but the music video on YouTube has also been played more than a million times.
Organised by Star Planet, tickets for Accusefive “Lost & Found” Live in Malaysia 2023 will go on sale on January 12th, from 2pm via my.bookmyshow.com For more details, call +603 92233667 or visit www.starplanet.com.my
凭借演唱台湾最红悬疑夯剧 《华灯初上》片尾曲《好不容易》大受好评,而渐渐走进大众视野,深受年轻人喜爱的台湾文青人气乐团告五人,即将于2月6日站上大马的舞台,首度来马开唱!
由星艺娱乐主办的告五人大马演唱会,敲定将于2023年2月6日, 晚上8时,于吉隆坡ZEPP举行,这也是告五人2017年正式出道以來首度来马开唱,届时他们不但会唱出大家非常熟悉的《好不容易》,还有被歌迷封为“夏日神曲”、见证他们成军以来的大小舞台和奖项,别具意义的经典成名曲之一的《爱在夏天》;获选为抖音2021年度歌曲的夯曲《唯一》;被歌迷喻为“失恋神曲”的《在这座城市遗失了你》;张碧晨和萧敬腾在《我们的歌》曾翻唱而在中国多个音综引发另一波热度的《爱人错过》;MV累积超过千万的惊人点击率的人气之作《披星戴月的想你》等曲,首度登陆大马的告五人,展现舞台魅力之余,也要与大马歌迷一起嗨唱!
热度一路飙升的告五人,在《第31届金曲奖》入围最佳新人,2021年金曲奖更是一举入围年度歌曲、最佳演唱录音专辑奖、最佳乐团奖、最佳作曲人奖4个奖项,2021年12月更在韩国《2021 Mnet亚洲音乐大奖》(2021 MAMA)获“最佳亚洲艺人–华语”殊荣,该奖项过去得奖的有蔡依林、王力宏、郭富城、陈奕迅、孙燕姿、林俊杰、莫文蔚、李荣浩、邓紫棋等人,实力备受肯定。
门票将于2023年1月12日,下午2点开始,正式全面公开发售!粉丝可以透过 my.bookmyshow.com 购票。更多详情可浏览 www.starplanet.com.my
More Concert: https://mypromo.my/tag/concert
Terms & Conditions:
- Prices are quoted in Ringgit Malaysia & subject to RM4 booking fee.
- Rock Zones are FREE Standing. Seating categary is numbered seating.
- No admission for children aged 2 years or below. Children aged 10 years and pregnant lady are not permitted into Rock Zones.
- Child at height 95cm or below is eligible for child ticket at RM50 without seat, while child at height above 95cm must purchase ticket according to price tier.
- Public Ticket Sale will commence on January 12th, 2023 (from 2pm) onwards. You are advised to purchase ticket(s) only from authorised/official ticketing company.
- Please note that SP Membership points will only be granted if you register membership BEFORE your ticket purchase. A valid NRIC must be provided upon ticket purchase to be eligible for the membership points (RM1 = 1 point). Membership is open for Malaysian only.
- Star Planet reserves the rights to any alternation/changes made on terms & promotions without prior notification.
- In the event of an Event being cancelled or postponed, or if the venue or content is significantly changed, we will do our best to inform all purchasers using the contact details provided when the order was made. However, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to check whether the Event is going ahead at the scheduled date, time and venue. We cannot be held liable for any expenses you may incur in respect of travel, accommodation, or otherwise arising from cancellation or postponement of an Event.
- Booking / Inquiry Hotline: +603 92233667